My book–advanced reader copies now available

Only a few months after this picture was taken, my ex called the police on me. I found myself staring down the barrel of a gun.

Hello world. I just wanted to let you all know that my book is now available in advanced reader copy form. I am offering them free to anyone who wants them. The book is about the lows that people will sink to when fighting custody battles. It talks about how everyone loses in a custody fight, especially the child. My ex won custody of our daughter, but I don’t count it as a victory. He had to destroy everything that mattered to me in order to get custody of her, especially the bond that Alexis and I share.

Are you looking for advice on how to win a custody battle or how to use a custody battle to get back at your ex? Read my book. It’s an eye opener.

Read about how, in the course of our custody battle

  • My ex abandoned me when I was pregnant, only to show up a few weeks before the baby was born, acting as though he had been there all along.
  • He humiliated me in the hospital the day our baby was born.
  • He was so devastated when we broke up that he attempted to have me killed by calling the police on me and telling them I was dangerous and had a gun. Bonus: The baby was with me.
  • He tricked me into skipping a court date to go to my grandmother’s funeral by telling me he was not going to show up. He showed up anyway and the judge issued a bench warrant for my arrest.
  • He harassed me and my husband so badly that it broke up my marriage.
  • His direct actions caused me to miscarry two other children.
  • He called the police on me for being 6 minutes late dropping our daughter off.
  • He tried to force me to go to a different location than the one in our court order to drop off our daughter. When I refused, he went to another police precinct, reported our daughter missing, then went to the court and got a Writ of Habeas Corpus (this is a federal document often used to implore the state to release a prisoner being held in federal custody. It’s most often used to ask to have prisoners released from torture camps like Gitmo.) to have our daughter released.
    I was arrested in my home. Our daughter was dragged from her bed in the dead of winter by officers who stormed our house. She started wetting her bed after that and having nightmares.

This picture was taken a month before Alexis Moxley was dragged out of her bed by the police---at her father's request

This is just a snippet of what happened to me in the course of my custody battle. You can read it all in my book by sending a message. The book is free.

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